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    Oana Vasut
    Hace 2 meses
    "Muy contenta con el servicio y el trato recibido. Stanis nos facilitó desde el primero momento la información necesaria, y podíamos contactarlo a cualquier hora con cualquier duda. Nos ha ayudado desde el principio hasta el final de la firma. Estamos muy agradecidos."
    Jose Antonio Alcón
    Hace 4 meses
    "Estamos muy contentos por haber acertado con Stanis. Muy profesional y atento. Nos solucionó todo con gran rapidez. Muchas gracias, si necesitamos vender o comprar no dudaremos en volver a contactar con Stanis Charlot. Totalmente recomendable."
    Jesús Ayala Osacar
    Hace 4 meses
    "He tenido la suerte de vender el local que había anunciado con rapidez y a buen precio. He de destacar la profesionalidad, amabilidad y eficacia en toda la gestión de venta de Stan Charlot, que me ha acompañado en el proceso y ha localizado a los compradores."
    Ilde Gamez
    Hace 4 meses
    "Muy agradecido al servicio prestado por Stanis Charlot!! Es la tercera vez que solicito sus servicios y todo ha ido perfecto!! Incluso si he necesitado alguna consulta me lo ha solucionado. Sin duda volvería a solicitarle su servicio!!"
    Fran Albero
    Hace 2 meses
    "Vendimos el piso con ellos, rápido y bien, su comercial, Stanis, nos asesoró muy bien y nos ayudó con todos los trámites."


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    Responsable: Fernando Flores Aznar

    Finalidad: To send information about real estate that match the requirements of the client presented by filling this form.

    Legitimación: To implement pre-contract measures to the clients request (budget request or information about our professional services).

    Destinatarios: This data will arrive at the office and there is no expected data transfer if not for legal obligation.

    Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email info@pisosnavarra.es

    Responsable: Fernando Flores Aznar

    Finalidad: To send information about your property to the real estate agency so it can evaluate if it will offer your property to its clients to try to sell or rent it.

    Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

    Destinatarios: The client’s data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation. The real estate’s data might be delivered to collaborating real estate agencies or published on web pages and real estate portals.

    Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email info@pisosnavarra.es

    Responsable: Fernando Flores Aznar

    Finalidad: To handle information requests through the website, aiming to offer real estate professional services and to give information about what’s requested.

    Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

    Destinatarios: Your data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation.

    Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email info@pisosnavarra.es

    Responsable: Fernando Flores Aznar

    Finalidad: To handle information requests through the website, aiming to offer real estate professional services and to give information about what’s requested.

    Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

    Destinatarios: Your data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation.

    Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email info@pisosnavarra.es

    When you press the button “SEND” you confirm you’ve read, understood and accepted the conditions of our Privacy Policy shown in this LINK
    When you press the button “SEND” you confirm you’ve read, understood and accepted the conditions of our Privacy Policy shown in this LINK
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